«It was my first mutual love, the ideal relationship. Three months later, he cheated on me and tried to hide it but I knew everything. He crawled on his knees; I felt sorry for him and was afraid of being alone, so I forgave him. Then a pity and fear of loneliness made me forgive the beatings.
He hated it when I was running late. It did not matter if I was late for 5, 10, 20 minutes – he was mad and he could refuse talking to me for hours afterwards.
One day, I was late for 15 minutes – I walked with friends and lost a track of time. He was waiting for me in the subway with a straight face. I only had time to say, «Do not be offended», – he pulled me to the wall, grabbed by the throat and began to yell. I gasped and tried to push him away. By hitting me he cut my lip in blood.
Unconsciously I broke away and ran to the end of the hall screaming, «Help!». He ran after me. A young patrol grabbed him and would not let me until the train pulled up. I came home and stopped responding to his calls. Thoughts of public disgrace opened my eyes.
If a person requires you to change, does not trust you, watches you, prohibits something – these are disturbing symptoms. If he hit you – just run away. Seriously. This is not the end. It has never ended that way».