Elderly women are waiting for a clean water in the home for elderly people in Haskovo, Bulgaria, where live near 156 elderly people. Radiation in the water in the Bulgarian city of Haskovo, some 200 km east the capital of Sofia. The day before the Easter all the people in Haskovo left without water.Bulgaria’s Environment and Water Ministry warned the Regional Health Inspectorate on 4th of April about elevated uranium content, near 0,098 at permissible 0,03 and alpha radiation more than 1,37 at permissible 0,1, more than 13 times abnormal levels. More than six months it had been a secret information and no one told the people in the city about this problem. These days the city of Haskovo is under control and there are ban to use the water from the fountains to drink, take a bath or even to wash the dishes. The government took urgent measures to prevent the local citizens and send twelve clean water cisterns, six of them from the military, Haskovo, Bulgaria on April 15, 2017