Yasmin Balai, our second place winner from the 2015 IAFOR Documentary Photography Award, has taken over The Photographers’ Gallery Instagram account for the next week, sharing some images from her ongoing project “Silver Linings” – a project that follows a community of around 60 homeless people who inhabit Bucharest’s underground tunnel systems next to the main train station “Gara de Nord”. She will be discussing her photography and talking a little about the work she is doing with a local NGO for homeless people (asohomeless.com).

Please feel free to leave any comments and questions you might have – @yasminbalai #thephotographersgallery #igtakeover

Yasmin Balai is a German-Iranian photographer and recent Documentary Photography graduate from the University of South Wales @docphotusw. Yasmin is currently based in Romania, where she has been living and working for a local NGO around her subject for almost a year.

Image by Yasmin Balai | 2015 Second Place Winner

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Posted by Thaddeus Pope

Thaddeus Pope is the Director of Visual Communications for The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) and the Creative Director of the IAFOR Documentary Photography Award.